Top 7 YouTube Channels for Entrepreneurs and Marketers

One of the easiest and most enjoyable places to consume content nowadays is YouTube.

Not only for its convenience, being able to watch on both computer, mobile, or TV, but also for its ability to impact people with information that truly has the power to change lives.

In the past, for us to have access to valuable information, we needed to go to libraries, read encyclopedias, or wait for the right day and time for a program on television.

However, nowadays, we have access to information in various formats, with the convenience of accessing it whenever and wherever we want. This has made it easier for everyone to access quick and quality information and content that helps us evolve in our lives.

And YouTube, for me, is the best means of communication and information we have today. Better than social networks (much better), blogs, audiobooks, emails, etc.

With YouTube, I was able to learn a lot on my own. From changing a light bulb (😅), to planning digital strategies, creating websites, producing and editing content, videos, and so on. It’s a true ocean of information.

With that, I’ve prepared a list of the top 7 YouTube channels for entrepreneurs and marketing professionals, which are the channels that I most enjoy watching and following in my day-to-day life.

In making this list, I realized that only 7 would not be enough, and therefore, I ended up leaving out several channels that are super useful.

Who knows, maybe I’ll make a second part of this content. But for now, here are the Top 7 Channels in my opinion:

1) Matt Gray

I’ll start with a channel that I recently came across, which is Matt Gray’s channel.

Matt is a Canadian entrepreneur who has created and developed 4 different businesses in the past 10 years, successfully scaling and making his businesses profitable.

Nowadays, on his YouTube channel, Matt shares stories of his success, experiences from other companies and entrepreneurs, productivity hacks, systems, and automation, all for those seeking to produce more, with quality and quantity.

Moreover, I felt a connection with Matt because he is a calm, serene, didactic person, with a unique worldview.

His videos blend podcast-style conversations, vlogs, business tips, and strategies to achieve a productive, happy, and profitable life.

2) Nischa

Think of content without beating around the bush, straight to the point, where each video she makes delivers more value than the last. That’s Nischa’s channel, an investment banker with years of experience in the market, who nowadays shares all her wisdom about finance, self-development, and business.

An expert in money matters, Nischa’s channel is filled with information on how you should handle money to achieve more success in life.

I confess that I didn’t have much education when it came to my money. I never knew how to save, invest, or prioritize my spending. With Nischa’s channel, I began to enjoy handling my money more, and I developed a sense of financial organization that I never had before.

Moreover, Nischa produces impeccable content on her social media platforms, and her website is filled with rich free materials, such as financial control spreadsheets, complete lessons on managing your money, and even guides with step-by-step instructions she used to grow her networks and her YouTube channel.

If you’re looking for investment tips, Nischa’s channel is undoubtedly for you.

3) Mike Thurston

Well, I’m really into sports and physical exercise, especially weightlifting. I’ve been going to the gym since I was 14 years old. Now, at 30, I have a lifestyle entirely focused on physical exercise, including running, walking, heavy training, healthy eating, and so on.

And Mike is that guy. He used to be a personal trainer at the beginning of his career, and nowadays, he’s a very successful entrepreneur. Drawing from all his experience, on his channel, he shares his daily life as an entrepreneur, sports enthusiast, weightlifter, dietary habits, productivity hacks, and how he juggles all of this in his daily routine.

His videos are a mix of vlogs, informative content, business strategies, and networking, and he also has a second channel where he hosts his podcast called First Things THRST.

For those who are inspired by health vlogs, and gym workouts, mixed with business, entrepreneurship, and productivity, Mike has the right channel for you.

4) Niklas Christl

Now, think of an extremely creative person. Got it?

For me, that person is Niklas. As he says, he’s a lover of videos and storytelling, and on his channel, he blends his filmmaking skills with the art of telling insane stories.

I’m not kidding. His content is rich in creativity, engaging you from the very first second, with impeccable storytelling that holds your attention until the end of his videos.

In addition to filmmaking tips, shooting, and editing, Niklas travels the world showing his day-to-day life, his friendships along the way, and his creative mind on how to think, produce, and edit excellent stories.

Not to mention that, for me, Niklas’s channel has inspired me to travel more and to record a bit of my life to leave it recorded for the people I love. His content is truly inspiring.

5) Angel Zheng

Speaking more precisely about Marketing, which is what I work with, I ended up discovering Angel’s channel, which mixes vlog-style videos and her routine as a Marketing Manager at a startup.

It’s exactly what I do/look for, which is why I found her channel very interesting, and the way she explains her daily tasks and how she thinks to solve them is what made me become a fan of her work.

Additionally, she has some other side projects, like an e-commerce and a book club, two things that I also really like, and that, in fact, I also have hehe.

And speaking personally, I find it very interesting to see how companies from other countries manage their teams, what their work routines are like, and their business priorities. And on Angel’s channel, she ends up showing all of this in an informal and relaxed way.

6) Marie Forleo

If you work in marketing and digital performance, you’ve probably heard of Marie Forleo.

Marie was one of the first influencers I discovered who produced content focused on my area of expertise.

From productivity hacks, business management, and digital launches, to mental health, productivity, and more.

With her wonderful didactics in conveying ideas and teaching deep subjects, Marie is now one of the most successful people in Digital Marketing.

It’s no wonder, Marie has been producing content since 2011, and over the years has helped thousands of entrepreneurs achieve success with their businesses.

Take a look at her channel, and also her website, and I guarantee you’ll absorb a lot of valuable information for your life.

7) Ben Francis

It’s clear that I really enjoy vlogs, and of course, the gym. And Ben Francis has the perfect channel for that.

As the founder and CEO of Gymshark, perhaps the largest gym clothing brand in the world today, Ben has been sharing his work routine, workouts, and business strategies on his YouTube channel since the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey.

Apart from the quality of his videos, his channel is filled with valuable tips for people working with e-commerce, fashion, and the health and fitness lifestyle.

His approach to networking, dealing with suppliers, and customers, and delivering a unique experience to his viewers are characteristic of his excellent content on his YouTube channel.

It will certainly inspire you to be a more active, precise, and successful person in all aspects of your life.

8) BONUS: The Diary Of A CEO and Lenny’s Podcast

And to wrap up, I’ve included two bonus channels, which are podcast channels.

The first one is the channel of the British Steven Bartlett, which gathers heavyweight guests who share success stories, failures, and experiences of CEOs behind the world’s leading companies.

Seriously, each guest is better than the last, and their stories are truly inspiring for those who are starting to build a business or even for those who are scaling their companies.

I would say it’s a must-listen podcast.

And another wonderful podcast to listen to/watch is the podcast by digital product expert, Lenny.

Featuring guests who may be a bit “under the radar” in the mainstream, but undoubtedly heavyweight guests responsible for working behind the scenes of the major startups and unicorns we have today.

With specific insights into products, marketing, performance, and digital strategies, Lenny has, in my opinion, one of the podcasts that delivers the most value for a professional career.

I guarantee you’ll find the information you need to scale your business on Lenny’s podcast!


We’ve explored the seven top YouTube channels that, in my opinion, stand out as essential sources of knowledge and inspiration for entrepreneurs and marketing professionals.

From entrepreneurship and digital marketing to fitness and healthy living, these channels offer a variety of content that covers fundamental concepts of day-to-day life and the latest trends in our industry. With a combination of practical tutorials, case analyses, interviews with experts, and healthy doses of motivation, they become true allies in my journey of professional and personal growth.

Now, tell me, what are your favorite channels on YouTube, and why?

Feel free to give me feedback and also share your stories with me. I’ll be very happy to receive your message.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter here on Medium to receive exclusive content about performance, paid media, productivity, creativity, marketing as a whole, and some geeky stuff.

Thank you for reading this far. See you next time!


Who am I?


My name is Gabriel Garcia, nickname Garba, I’ve been working with paid media since 2016, and over that time I’ve had the opportunity to participate in reference teams in digital performance in large agencies and startups in Brazil.

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